Getting a payday loan with Paycheck Today is an excellent way to solve a money situation. You do not have to have good credit to get a cash advance loan, which is a great advantage to people who may have poor credit. A cash advance can be approved within minutes, and the money can be deposited into the borrower's account within 24 hours. A cash advance through Paycheck Today is a no-fax option, so you never have to go out and fax anything to the company to receive your loan.
Cash Advance Loans
A cash advance may be needed for any number of reasons. Emergencies arise that make it essential to have extra money, but unfortunately, not everyone has savings. That is where a cash advance loan from Paycheck Today can help out. Simply fill out the online form, and receive your money within 24 hours, if approved. With the number of repayment options available, it is also easy to pay back your cash advance loan.
The biggest question asked with a cash advance loan from Paycheck Today is when the money will be deposited into your account. If the loan application is approved, which can be expedited by making sure all the information is there and correct, then the money will appear into your checking account the next business day. This will happen as long as the application is approved by 5PM Eastern Standard Time. An email will be sent if the application has been denied. You can also call in 2 hours to see if your loan has been approved or not.
Payment Options
There will then be a couple of different payment options once the loan has been approved. The first is automatically set up for you, which will allow you to only pay the finance charge. On your first payday loan due date, the finance charge only will be debited from your account. The next 3 pay dates, the same will occur. The fifth pay date will bring about a debit of at least $50 that will be applied towards the principal loan balance and the finance charge. This will continue until the loan is paid off in full.
The second option is to pay both the finance charge and make a payment to the amount of your loan. This will occur on the date that your loan is due. This must be done by notifying Paycheck Today by phone or by a fax at 1-800-671-0131. This must also be done at least 3 business days before the due date of your loan. Loan payments must also be made in increments of $50 when paid back in this fashion.
The last option for paying your cash advance loan with Paycheck Today is to pay the whole thing off in full. Again, for this option, you must call before three business days of the loan repayment date to set this up. Paycheck Today will then debit the full amount of the loan plus all fees from your account on your payday, and your loan will be considered paid. If you desire to get another loan after paying off the first one, a minimum wait of three days is required. Then, you can apply again at www.paychecktoday.com for a new loan. A finance charge is attached to every loan that is given out with Paycheck Today. The typical APR on a loan for 14 days amounts to $30.00 for every $100.00.
Additional Information
A payday loan will be approved for anyone who meets the required criteria. The loan application will ask for the basics such as name, phone number, address, social security number, and email address. You will then have to give employment information, such as monthly income, phone numbers and occupation. The next step is to fill in your bank account information, such as account numbers and routing numbers, so that your loan can be direct-deposited. After this information is all verified, Paycheck Today will approve or deny your loan. However, if you do meet all of this criteria, you are almost definitely approved for a cash advance. For people who only receive a paycheck once a month, they are still eligible to get a cash advance loan at www.paychecktoday.com.
You can find more information by contacting a service representative by calling 1-800-671-0131. Representatives are standing by to help you through the loan application and process, and to answer any questions or concerns that you may have. You can also email Paycheck Today at: [email protected] and receive an answer within 24 hours.